History of our ‘know-how’, design and sustanability

A new blog open to new trends

Today the new Errebielle’s website is online. A completely redesigned space, about our world and the way we work. A path designed to tell the story of a constantly evolving reality, which changes as quickly as our target markets change.

With more than twenty-five years of experience behind us, we have acquired a vision that allows us to anticipate trends, offering increasingly advanced solutions that meet the needs of our clients. After all, if we leaf through the Oxford Dictionary under the heading “front”, as the production of front doors is precisely the core business of our activity, we will find that it comes from the Latin word ‘fronte’ which means ‘before, in front’. So allow us with a touch of legitimate pride to launch this nice and provocative etymological divertissement to underline our natural inclination to the future. Incidentally, the word ‘forward’ [from ante reinforced with the preposition ab] means the front or anterior position or direction. Which is exactly the focus of our daily job. We give a ‘front’ to every piece of furniture, making it complete and accomplished. How we achieve this is the subject of the various sections of the new site, which we invite you to explore and discover. However, we also know that our looking ‘beyond’ is grafted on deep roots, which draw their lifeblood from founding values and principles unchanged over time. First and foremost we truly care for people and for the environment. This is why we have made the concept of sustainability our own, trying to limit the consumption of natural resources as much as possible, reducing waste and optimizing production lines thanks to increasingly advanced machinery. A constant evolution, in step with the times of technology and design, which, however, we wanted to combine with that artisan ‘know-how’, genetically imprinted in our DNA. From now on you will find this and more stories in our new blog. We will keep you updated on our activities, news and achievements.
In short, a slice of Errebielle’s life that we would like to share with you.


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